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Apr 9, 2023

9 minutes

10 Best Natural Remedies For Mold Removal

Is your house swarming with mold? Do you want to get rid of it without using chemicals? Is your budget tight? If so, natural remedies for mold removal are the best choice! Natural anti-mold products are safe, cost-effective, and easy to use.

Whether dealing with a minor infestation or more serious mold damage, let’s explore the top natural remedies for mold removal. From baking soda to tea tree oil, these solutions will help remove any moldy messes.

The 10 Best Natural Remedies for Mold Removal

1. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural and environmentally-friendly solution to combat black mold growth, as it possesses antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. This multi-functional remedy is safe and particularly effective on porous materials, such as woven furniture.

To use hydrogen peroxide for mold removal, combine one part 3% hydrogen peroxide with two parts water in a spray bottle. If you don’t have a spray bottle, you can soak a towel in the solution and directly wipe it over the affected area.

Allow the solution to sit for up to 10 minutes before using a small brush or toothbrush to scrub the mold away. Finally, wipe away any remaining mold with a towel and let the area air dry. It’s recommended to use a spray bottle for ease of application.

2. Tee Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural solution that eliminates black mold while keeping spiders away. This natural fungicide works as a cleaning agent with the added benefit of preventing the regrowth of mold spores.

To use tea tree oil for mold removal, mix 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil with 1 cup of water, adjusting the ratio as needed. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle for maximum coverage, or dampen a towel if a spray bottle is not available.

Apply the solution to the affected area and let it dry for an hour. Then, use a microfiber cloth or dry towel to remove the oil. To avoid skin irritation, wear protective gloves before beginning the process.

Cleaning mold with harsh chemicals requires the use of rubber gloves

3. Grapefruit Seed Extract

The grapefruit seed extract is a versatile natural remedy that can be used for various healthcare and cleaning purposes, including combating black mold. The extract contains polyphenols, specifically limonoids, and naringenin, that effectively kill bacteria in laundry, clean carpet spills, disinfect and sterilize spaces, and prevent mold spores from returning.

To use grapefruit seed extract for mold removal, mix 10 drops of the oil with 1 cup of water and apply the solution to the affected area using a spray bottle for maximum coverage. Allow the solution to sit for 10 minutes to an hour, depending on the severity of the mold growth, before wiping away any remaining residue. The grapefruit seed extract is an effective solution; wearing protective gloves while applying it is recommended.

4. Vinegar

Vinegar is an inexpensive and natural way to eliminate mold due to its acidic and antibacterial properties. For best results, spray undiluted vinegar directly onto the affected area.

Please wait a few minutes before wiping it with a damp towel. If necessary, use a brush to scrub the area and then allow it to dry. Finish by wiping the area with a damp cloth. If you dislike the strong scent of vinegar, you can add any essential oil to it.

After a while, the smell will dissipate. Research indicates that white vinegar can eliminate 82% of mold spores, viruses, and bacteria. Additionally, spraying vinegar on surfaces and allowing it to dry can prevent mold growth.

5. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a versatile household item used for various purposes, including eliminating mold. Baking soda is safe for both your family members and pets. It has natural properties that can kill mold and absorb moisture, promoting mold growth.

Mix a quarter teaspoon of baking soda with water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the walls and use a sponge to wipe away the mold before rinsing the surface with clean water. Respray and let the surface dry.

If you want to reduce mold toxicity risk, baking soda is an excellent option. It can prevent mold growth and absorb mildew smells. Create a paste by stirring a mixture of baking soda and water. Use this paste to eliminate lighter mold stains and prevent future mold growth. After applying the paste, use a brush to scrape away any mold-stained areas.

Use baking soda solution on a moldy area to get rid of mold problems in an affected area

6. Toothpaste

Toothpaste can clean mold in various parts of the house, particularly in the bathroom, on surfaces such as the ceiling, sink, and shower. Solid white toothpaste is recommended over gel as it is more effective and does not leave stains.

To clean mold, dampen an old toothbrush and apply toothpaste to it. Gently scrub the affected area until the stain is completely removed. For softer surfaces, apply toothpaste to a cloth and wipe the area clean with a dry cloth afterward.

7. Citrus Seed Extract

The citrus seed extract is popular for cleaning molds due to its pleasant aroma. In addition to eliminating stubborn molds, citrus fruits are natural deodorizers that can leave your home smelling delightful.

To use citrus seed extract for mold removal, combine 20 drops with 2 cups of water in a spray bottle and shake well. Then, spray the solution directly onto the moldy surface. Unlike other cleaning methods, such as baking soda or hydrogen peroxide, there’s no need to rinse the area after using citrus seed extract. Repeat until the mold is completely gone and the area is stain-free.

8. Lemon Juice

Due to its pleasant fruity aroma, lemon juice has long been a preferred natural cleaning agent for households, including dishes, floors, and laundry. It is also effective for removing mold, eliminating musty odors, and leaving behind a refreshing scent.

The 5% acidic content of lemon juice has natural bleaching properties that effectively remove tough mold stains. To use lemon juice for mold removal, start by cleaning the affected area with soap and water. Next, apply a generous amount of lemon juice directly onto the moldy area, leaving it for a few seconds before scrubbing it with a sponge.

Repeat until the mold is completely eliminated and the desired results are achieved. You can use fresh lemon juice or store-bought lemon juice concentrate for mold removal.

9. Charcoal

Activated charcoal is an effective supplement for eliminating mold from the body. Although many people are unaware, mold can reside in our bodies, and activated charcoal is a powerful natural remedy. It works by trapping toxins within the body, preventing reabsorption, and facilitating their elimination.

When selecting activated charcoal for natural healing purposes, opting for products made from natural sources such as coconut shells is crucial. These types of activated charcoal are highly effective in treating mold-related health concerns.

10. Combine Natural Mold Killers

Using a mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice to clean mold offers several benefits. Baking soda is a foaming agent, making cleaning easier, while vinegar enhances its effectiveness. Meanwhile, lemon juice helps eliminate the musty odor associated with mold, leaving a refreshing scent after cleaning.

To prepare the mixture, combine equal parts of lemon juice, vinegar, and a smaller amount of baking soda to create a thick paste. Apply the paste to the moldy areas with a cloth or brush, then scrub thoroughly. Allow the paste to sit on the mold for five minutes before rinsing off with clean water.

Home remedies to remove mold and mildew in humid environments

How To Prevent Mold Growth In The Future

Once you’ve removed the existing mold, it’s important to prevent the growth of new molds. Here are some easy tips for keeping mold at bay:

  • Ventilation: Ensure all areas of your home have adequate airflow and ventilation, including bathrooms, basements, attics, and other prone locations.
  • Humidity: Keep indoor humidity at or below 60% to prevent mold growth. Use a dehumidifier if needed, and consider using an air conditioner in humid climates.
  • Seal Leaks: Fix any leaky pipes, roofs, foundations, and other common sources of water infiltration promptly.
  • Clean Regularly: Regularly clean surfaces, especially those prone to moisture buildup (such as sinks, tubs, and showers).
  • Monitor: Look for signs of mold growth in your home. If you notice any, promptly take action to remove the affected area.


1. What Are Common House Molds?

  • Aspergillus: A mold notorious for causing allergies, aspergillus is commonly found in spoiled foods and air conditioning systems.
  • Cladosporium: This mold is typically characterized by a black or green pepper-like appearance and can grow in air ducts or on the back of toilets.
  • Stachybotrys atra: Also referred to as “black mold,” this mold is hazardous to health and has a greenish-black color. It thrives in consistently moist environments.

2. How Long Does It Take To Remove Mold?

The amount of time it takes to remove mold depends on the infestation’s type, size, and severity. Generally speaking, large mold infestations can take 1-2 weeks or more to remove completely. Smaller cases may only require a few days for removal.

3. Do I Need Professional Help To Remove Mold?

Although natural remedies are available to remove mold, hiring a professional for larger or more severe infestations may be best. A professional will have the expertise and materials to safely and effectively remove mold from your home.


Kill mold naturally with these top remedies! From hydrogen peroxide to baking soda, vinegar, and essential oils, there is something for everyone regarding natural mold removal. These methods are effective, safe, and easy to do yourself.

You can also purchase various ready-to-use solutions or have someone professionally remove the mold from your home. Whatever you choose, go the extra mile and take preventative steps to ensure that mold does not return in the future. With the right preparation and prevention, you can keep your home safe from mold for good!

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